I'm Just Me - Your #1 Source For Anti-Bullying

We believe that every child is special. The apple of our eyes will be tomorrow’s leaders, provided no one comes in the way of:


  • Standing up to bullies

  • Unleashing their true talents

  • Building their confidence

  • Polishing their character

  • Spreading positivity through strong affirmations


A world without bullies is what we envision. While this idea may be a little far-fetched,

raising our children right can be a solid first step to achieving that. Let us gather under this

platform and take a pledge today:


From now on, we will not let our children suffer.


Remind yourself of this promise every single day. Train yourself to feel empowered, and

your babies are bound to follow in your footsteps. Our positive affirmations can help you and

your child in your journey to become empowered – check out our Instagram page for more.


Our anti-bullying mission statement is to help parents train their children to stand up to the

bullies. Let this be the end of the bullies’ reign, at least as far as our kids are concerned.

β€œThey’ll not pick on my child, NOT on my watch.”


A day will come soon when every little child will be strong enough to stand up against bullies. That’s when bullying will be eradicated from children’s lives for good.


But for now, don’t focus on the bullies; they don’t matter. Your child matters. Their protection, self-confidence, dignity, and emotions are what matter most. These are the elements that need to be paid attention to.

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Not ever.Β We help kids become empowered!

I'm Just Me - Anti-Bullying Resources